I was tagged by the lovely My Mummies Pennies to share with you what job I would have if I could have any in the world.
It would be cliche to say I love being a Stay at Home Mum but it's true. I really do love it! It's certainly very rewarding and I wouldn't change it for the world!
Before giving up work to stay at home with Lexi, I was a Legal Secretary which I did love as no day was the same and I got to interact with people on a daily basis but the things I had to deal with weren't of the nicest nature in the world so I used to spend a lot of time hating the world for being so cruel and deceitful and evil and would spend many a night at home crying over a certain subject or case that we had been working on. It didn't stop me enjoying my job, if anything it made me more determined that we would work even harder to make the world a better place! I mainly loved this job because it was taking me in the right direction in a field which I have always had a passion for.... Law. One of my A Levels was in Law and I have always loved every aspect of legal work whether a Bobby on the beat, a Solicitor or a Judge; it has always fascinated me.
Saying that though, when I was little I always dreamed of being a Police Officer. Unfortunately when I was 16 my lovely, darling Mum decided that she was bored of hairdressing and Counselling Young People and decided she was going to take the exams to become a PCSO (Police Community Support Officer). As we live in the Police force area of Devon & Cornwall which is renowned for being the most difficult task force to join as it has so few openings, I thought she had no chance..... She passed with flying colours and went on to be the best PCSO in Cornwall (I may be a little bias!). She continued to do this job until she moved to Northern Cyprus 5 years ago.
So, in the warped head of a 15 year old, my dream job was taken and my life was ruined! Lol.
I soon changed course and, after spending time at College studying for my Law A Level, reading many many crime books by Authors like James Patterson, watching endless episodes of Criminal Minds, CSI, SVU, Spooks and actually working on the Set of Spooks with my stepdad dealing with the cars, and my love of watching all manner of crime related TV programs; I would have to say that if I could have absolutely any job in the entire world I would LOVE to be a Spy for MI5!
I'd be happy being a member of the FBI ;) or an undercover Police Officer too but it does say dream job and that's mine... a Spook!
That's if my singing career doesn't suddenly take off which I doubt very much!! You never know though, I may get famous one day so watch this space!! ;) Heeheehee.
Thank you to My Mummies Pennies for asking me to write this. I am tagging the wonderful; The Family Express, The Hart of the Munchkin Patch and Loren’s Little Lovely’s Blog Page to share what job they would have if they could have any in the world and link back to Ramblings of a Suburban Mummy and Loved by Lexi of course :)
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Monday, 29 August 2011
Coolfans: Izzy the Coolfan
I'm not entirely convinced by the argument that blowing on your own child's food is unhygienic. Recent studies apparently state that blowing on food is a a means of transferring bacteria via saliva and is therefore harmful for your child. This argument seems very OTT and obsessional to me! However,
Lexi was sent Izzy the Coolfan by Coolfans and it really is a much easier way of cooling your little ones' food. Rather than having to spend ages and ages blowing on it, the Coolfan is a quick and easy way of cooling food down leaving your hands free to deal with your little one.
We were sent Izzy because it was the one that I thought looked like the most fun and which Lexi would love the most. Izzy is bright purple with wide eyes and a smiling face wearing a cap which is really fun and Lexi thought was hilariously cute.
All four of the funky designs look eye-catching and interesting for children...
Coolfans are specially designed so that you simply pop your child's plate or bowl onto the stand, turn the Coolfan on and let it whizz away and cool your child's food down. It is perfect for fussy eaters as it creates a diversion from what's on their plate so that they have something else to focus on at meal times. It also cools their food down quickly without leaving scalding hot-spots so it is safe to eat - BUT YOU MUST ALWAYS CHECK YOUR CHILD'S FOOD BEFORE ALLOWING THEM TO EAT IT!
The Coolfan comes with 2 x AAA batteries included so as soon as it arrived in the post it was ready to go! It is really quick and simple to change the batteries too, Lexi's Daddy did it no problem. You simply; Unscrew their cap...
And pop in the new batteries...
What Lexi Thought
Lexi loved the design of the fan and had lots of fun at dinnertime watching Izzy whirling away cooling down her food. She was a little uncertain at first as to what on earth was going on...
Sorry Lexi but Mummy couldn't help but post this picture because it makes her laugh so much!
But once she had realised what the Coolfan was doing; she thought it was brilliant!
Coolfans have really soft, squishy blades so there is no worry about your little one injuring themselves. After Mummy had checked by putting her finger underneath it, Lexi then decided that it was great fun to stop the blades from going round herself and then re-start them by letting go. This was fine because, like I said, the blades are made from soft foam so she couldn't hurt herself. Being foam I was worried that she may have been able to easy tear or break them but they certainly passed the Lexi test for ruggedness without a single mark on them so that proves they are definitely child-proof!
Although I'm not a believer of "the fears of germ cross-contamination by blowing on food",I am a believer that Coolfans are fantastic. I think they are very beneficial for not only children but the elderly and disabled people too as it removes the need for blowing on food whilst making mealtimes fun!
All four funky Coolfan designs can be purchased direct from the Coolfans website here for £9.99. They come with a 28 day no-quibble guarantee so you are safe in the assurance that you will LOVE your Coolfan!
There is information about all of the Coolfan gang, Coolfans the company and any upcoming designs and products on the Coolfans website or you can pop over and say hi on their Facebook page too!
Coolfans aren't what I'd call a "must" but are certainly something very fun and innovative that will increase your child's love of eating and mealtimes aswell as giving us parents a little bit more time on our hands to dish-up.
Although unsure to start with, Lexi soon had lots of fun with Izzy and really enjoyed her dinnertime with her newfound food cooling device; making Coolfans' fun, funky designs a cool idea which was definitely Loved By Lexi!
Lexi was sent Izzy the Coolfan by Coolfans and it really is a much easier way of cooling your little ones' food. Rather than having to spend ages and ages blowing on it, the Coolfan is a quick and easy way of cooling food down leaving your hands free to deal with your little one.
We were sent Izzy because it was the one that I thought looked like the most fun and which Lexi would love the most. Izzy is bright purple with wide eyes and a smiling face wearing a cap which is really fun and Lexi thought was hilariously cute.
All four of the funky designs look eye-catching and interesting for children...
Coolfans are specially designed so that you simply pop your child's plate or bowl onto the stand, turn the Coolfan on and let it whizz away and cool your child's food down. It is perfect for fussy eaters as it creates a diversion from what's on their plate so that they have something else to focus on at meal times. It also cools their food down quickly without leaving scalding hot-spots so it is safe to eat - BUT YOU MUST ALWAYS CHECK YOUR CHILD'S FOOD BEFORE ALLOWING THEM TO EAT IT!
The Coolfan comes with 2 x AAA batteries included so as soon as it arrived in the post it was ready to go! It is really quick and simple to change the batteries too, Lexi's Daddy did it no problem. You simply; Unscrew their cap...
And pop in the new batteries...
What Lexi Thought
Lexi loved the design of the fan and had lots of fun at dinnertime watching Izzy whirling away cooling down her food. She was a little uncertain at first as to what on earth was going on...
Sorry Lexi but Mummy couldn't help but post this picture because it makes her laugh so much!
But once she had realised what the Coolfan was doing; she thought it was brilliant!
Coolfans have really soft, squishy blades so there is no worry about your little one injuring themselves. After Mummy had checked by putting her finger underneath it, Lexi then decided that it was great fun to stop the blades from going round herself and then re-start them by letting go. This was fine because, like I said, the blades are made from soft foam so she couldn't hurt herself. Being foam I was worried that she may have been able to easy tear or break them but they certainly passed the Lexi test for ruggedness without a single mark on them so that proves they are definitely child-proof!
Although I'm not a believer of "the fears of germ cross-contamination by blowing on food",I am a believer that Coolfans are fantastic. I think they are very beneficial for not only children but the elderly and disabled people too as it removes the need for blowing on food whilst making mealtimes fun!
All four funky Coolfan designs can be purchased direct from the Coolfans website here for £9.99. They come with a 28 day no-quibble guarantee so you are safe in the assurance that you will LOVE your Coolfan!
There is information about all of the Coolfan gang, Coolfans the company and any upcoming designs and products on the Coolfans website or you can pop over and say hi on their Facebook page too!
Coolfans aren't what I'd call a "must" but are certainly something very fun and innovative that will increase your child's love of eating and mealtimes aswell as giving us parents a little bit more time on our hands to dish-up.
Although unsure to start with, Lexi soon had lots of fun with Izzy and really enjoyed her dinnertime with her newfound food cooling device; making Coolfans' fun, funky designs a cool idea which was definitely Loved By Lexi!
Halos 'N' Horns: The Little Book of Holiday Fun
Having reviewed a few Halos 'N' Horns products, which I loved, I was delighted to be sent their brand new and improved The Little Book of Holiday Fun to read and gain ideas from.
The Little Book of Holiday Fun can be requested absolutely free of charge direct from Halos 'N' Horns website here so pop over and order your copy now!
Summer might be almost over if you ask the calendar but by looking at the weather forecast for September I think we are going to have plenty of wonderful weather to look forward to so this little book is perfect for ideas to keep you children and whole family entertained no matter what the weather!
If you'd rather read The Little Book of Holiday Fun online then you can do so by visiting their PDF version here.
The Little Book of Holiday Fun is jam packed with ideas for things do to on a rainy day, beach activities, swimming related activities and games, car journey games and activities to keep the kids amused on long journeys or when stuck in traffic, bath-time fun ideas, creative fun for both those used to doing crafty things aswell as those (like me) who can't even draw a stick man properly! There are also lots of fun ideas for days out, picnics, nature related activities and much more besides to ensure that you and your little ones have a Summer (and Autumn!) that are packed full of "Good Clean Fun".
Not only does The Little Book of Holiday Fun contain all these exciting indoor and outdoor activity ideas, but as an added bonus there is also a 50p off coupon enclosed which can be used to buy any of the Halos 'N' Horns Kids Range. Perfect!
Lexi, Mummy and Daddy had lots of fun trying out all the fantastic ideas contained in The Little Book of Holiday Fun making not only Halos 'N' Horns Loved By Lexi but, because it enriched our Summer holiday and helped us spend more time as a family, The Little Book of Holiday Fun is also very much loved by the whole family which means it was most definitely Loved By Lexi!
The Little Book of Holiday Fun can be requested absolutely free of charge direct from Halos 'N' Horns website here so pop over and order your copy now!
Summer might be almost over if you ask the calendar but by looking at the weather forecast for September I think we are going to have plenty of wonderful weather to look forward to so this little book is perfect for ideas to keep you children and whole family entertained no matter what the weather!
If you'd rather read The Little Book of Holiday Fun online then you can do so by visiting their PDF version here.
The Little Book of Holiday Fun is jam packed with ideas for things do to on a rainy day, beach activities, swimming related activities and games, car journey games and activities to keep the kids amused on long journeys or when stuck in traffic, bath-time fun ideas, creative fun for both those used to doing crafty things aswell as those (like me) who can't even draw a stick man properly! There are also lots of fun ideas for days out, picnics, nature related activities and much more besides to ensure that you and your little ones have a Summer (and Autumn!) that are packed full of "Good Clean Fun".
Not only does The Little Book of Holiday Fun contain all these exciting indoor and outdoor activity ideas, but as an added bonus there is also a 50p off coupon enclosed which can be used to buy any of the Halos 'N' Horns Kids Range. Perfect!
Lexi, Mummy and Daddy had lots of fun trying out all the fantastic ideas contained in The Little Book of Holiday Fun making not only Halos 'N' Horns Loved By Lexi but, because it enriched our Summer holiday and helped us spend more time as a family, The Little Book of Holiday Fun is also very much loved by the whole family which means it was most definitely Loved By Lexi!
Green People: 100% Natural Mandarin & Aloe Vera Children's Toothpaste
When most people look at a person they may notice their eyes or hair or some other feature; I notice teeth! It may sound strange but teeth really are the first thing I notice about somebody and therefore have always been very conscientious about brushing my teeth properly and *touch wood* my OCD about it seems to be working as I have no fillings and have never had to have any work done on my teeth or needed to have my teeth cleaned even though I drink red wine and black coffee. I know I'm only 25 but I know many people who have had to have fillings already so I feel very lucky that I have none thanks to my brutal brushing regime!
Because I am so OTT about my teeth cleaning, I have tried very hard to ensure that Lexi is the same with her oral hygiene and brushes at least twice a day for 2 minutes at a time. I also do teeth inspection after she has brushed to make sure we haven't missed any little toothy pegs. She is a "big girl" now so insists on brushing her teeth herself but I then brush them afterwards to ensure they are done thoroughly as I definitely don't want any premature tooth loss and I'd love for her to have the same healthy teeth and gums that I have. That's where Green People come in....
Green People sent us their 100% natural Mandarin and Aloe Vera Children's Toothpaste for us to try out. The toothpaste is certified Organic, certified Organic with EcoCert, specially blended for babies and children, contains no SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate), no fluoride and is made from 100% natural ingredients aswell as being 100% vegetarian, 100% vegan, 100% cruelty-free ingredients and 100% gentle for little ones' teeth and gums and is completely safe if swallowed so is perfect for both babies and children!
The toothpaste they sent us was Mandarin flavoured which Lexi wasn't too keen on. I think this was mainly because she has always used minty toothpaste so was a little confused using something that tasted different to the norm. Green People make the toothpaste in different flavours though, one of which is Spearmint, so I think she would probably have liked this a little better. I'm sure though that after using it for a little longer, Lexi will learn to like the Mandarin flavour but she was just utterly confused that her toothbrush tasted "odd" so wasn't too enamoured by it. You can view the different flavours on the Green People website here. They sell Mandarin and Spearmint flavours for children aswell as Fennel, Citrus, Minty Cool and Mint flavours for adults which sound intriguing! All their toothpastes are priced at £3.50 for 50ml which is an average price for good toothpaste so I think it fits well into the market.
The fact that the toothpaste doesn't "foam up" like other toothpastes means that the tube lasts for quite a long time as you don't need too much of it to really clean all of your teeth. Lexi couldn't really explain herself what she thought of the toothpaste so I gave it a try myself and really liked it. I must agree with Lexi's facial expression indicating that it tastes "odd" as it really was a strange sensation brushing my teeth with something that firstly didn't foam up and secondly wasn't mint flavoured but, after getting used to the flavour, it was a pleasant experience brushing my teeth without my entire mouth getting full up of foam as I was able to carefully brush each and every tooth and could actually see what I was brushing and where I was brushing!
I have used many different toothpastes in my time including one that is made from chalk, the same as this toothpaste, so I am used to having a gritty sensation in my mouth when brushing. However, I think that anybody who hasn't used and liked chalky type toothpastes in the past may dislike the taste and texture because it doesn't feel anything like "normal" toothpaste.
To counter the texture though, this toothpaste really did leave my teeth feeling amazingly clean! Having worked my way through hundreds of different toothpastes, the Green People Mandarin & Aloe Vera Children's Toothpaste left my teeth feeling and looking the cleanest so I can't wait to order and try out the adult's toothpaste because, if the children's is anything to go by, it will work beautifully and leave my teeth sparkling!
The active ingredients in the Children's toothpaste are Betaine which provides gentle foaming action without harmful detergents, Aloe Vera which is soothing and healing for tender poorly little baby teething gums, Olive Leaf Extract which provides a protective antioxidant aswell as Mandarin, Orange and Myrrh essential oils which are known for their antibacterial and antiseptic properties. No need for harmful "nasties" in your child's or your own mouth thanks to Green People!
The most amazing thing about this Green People product is that 10% of net profit is donated to Charity which I think is a wonderful thing for Green People to do!
If you'd like more information about Green People as a company, their Charity work, their products or to just say hi pop over to the Green People Facebook page here.
You can order the Mandarin Toothpaste here or take a look at the other fantastic Green People products on their website here. Hurry and make your order as Green People have free delivery on all orders in August so there are only a couple of days left to take advantage of this brilliant offer!
Thank you Green People, although Lexi wasn't too keen on the taste of the toothpaste to start with, Mummy loved the fact that her own and Lexi's teeth were left feeling and looking cleaner, fresher and sparkling. Having healthy teeth and gums is most definitely Loved By Lexi's Mummy and will certainly be appreciated by Lexi when she is older!
Because I am so OTT about my teeth cleaning, I have tried very hard to ensure that Lexi is the same with her oral hygiene and brushes at least twice a day for 2 minutes at a time. I also do teeth inspection after she has brushed to make sure we haven't missed any little toothy pegs. She is a "big girl" now so insists on brushing her teeth herself but I then brush them afterwards to ensure they are done thoroughly as I definitely don't want any premature tooth loss and I'd love for her to have the same healthy teeth and gums that I have. That's where Green People come in....
Green People sent us their 100% natural Mandarin and Aloe Vera Children's Toothpaste for us to try out. The toothpaste is certified Organic, certified Organic with EcoCert, specially blended for babies and children, contains no SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate), no fluoride and is made from 100% natural ingredients aswell as being 100% vegetarian, 100% vegan, 100% cruelty-free ingredients and 100% gentle for little ones' teeth and gums and is completely safe if swallowed so is perfect for both babies and children!
The toothpaste they sent us was Mandarin flavoured which Lexi wasn't too keen on. I think this was mainly because she has always used minty toothpaste so was a little confused using something that tasted different to the norm. Green People make the toothpaste in different flavours though, one of which is Spearmint, so I think she would probably have liked this a little better. I'm sure though that after using it for a little longer, Lexi will learn to like the Mandarin flavour but she was just utterly confused that her toothbrush tasted "odd" so wasn't too enamoured by it. You can view the different flavours on the Green People website here. They sell Mandarin and Spearmint flavours for children aswell as Fennel, Citrus, Minty Cool and Mint flavours for adults which sound intriguing! All their toothpastes are priced at £3.50 for 50ml which is an average price for good toothpaste so I think it fits well into the market.
The fact that the toothpaste doesn't "foam up" like other toothpastes means that the tube lasts for quite a long time as you don't need too much of it to really clean all of your teeth. Lexi couldn't really explain herself what she thought of the toothpaste so I gave it a try myself and really liked it. I must agree with Lexi's facial expression indicating that it tastes "odd" as it really was a strange sensation brushing my teeth with something that firstly didn't foam up and secondly wasn't mint flavoured but, after getting used to the flavour, it was a pleasant experience brushing my teeth without my entire mouth getting full up of foam as I was able to carefully brush each and every tooth and could actually see what I was brushing and where I was brushing!
I have used many different toothpastes in my time including one that is made from chalk, the same as this toothpaste, so I am used to having a gritty sensation in my mouth when brushing. However, I think that anybody who hasn't used and liked chalky type toothpastes in the past may dislike the taste and texture because it doesn't feel anything like "normal" toothpaste.
To counter the texture though, this toothpaste really did leave my teeth feeling amazingly clean! Having worked my way through hundreds of different toothpastes, the Green People Mandarin & Aloe Vera Children's Toothpaste left my teeth feeling and looking the cleanest so I can't wait to order and try out the adult's toothpaste because, if the children's is anything to go by, it will work beautifully and leave my teeth sparkling!
The active ingredients in the Children's toothpaste are Betaine which provides gentle foaming action without harmful detergents, Aloe Vera which is soothing and healing for tender poorly little baby teething gums, Olive Leaf Extract which provides a protective antioxidant aswell as Mandarin, Orange and Myrrh essential oils which are known for their antibacterial and antiseptic properties. No need for harmful "nasties" in your child's or your own mouth thanks to Green People!
The most amazing thing about this Green People product is that 10% of net profit is donated to Charity which I think is a wonderful thing for Green People to do!
If you'd like more information about Green People as a company, their Charity work, their products or to just say hi pop over to the Green People Facebook page here.
You can order the Mandarin Toothpaste here or take a look at the other fantastic Green People products on their website here. Hurry and make your order as Green People have free delivery on all orders in August so there are only a couple of days left to take advantage of this brilliant offer!
Thank you Green People, although Lexi wasn't too keen on the taste of the toothpaste to start with, Mummy loved the fact that her own and Lexi's teeth were left feeling and looking cleaner, fresher and sparkling. Having healthy teeth and gums is most definitely Loved By Lexi's Mummy and will certainly be appreciated by Lexi when she is older!
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
VUP Baby Article: PVC in the Home
I was also sent this very informative article from VUP baby about PVC in the home. I honestly hadn't realised just how widely spread this is, even with many types being prohibited, there is still a LOT of it around.....
Thank you VUPbaby for another very informative article. I will definitely be checking all our products which Lexi comes into contact with to check they are free from anything that could be possibly harmful. So thank you again VUPbaby. I really hope our lovely blog readers also find this useful article of interest. :)
"Identifying PVC in your child’s environment
The good news for those of us living in the European Union is that some specific phthalates are prohibited in the use of certain PVC products. Three phthalates; DEHP - di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, DBP - dibutyl phthalate and BBP - benzyl butyl phthalate have all been banned in the manufacture of toys and child care products. Three others; DINP - diisononyl phthalate, DIDP - diisodecyl phthalate, and DNOP - di-n-octyl phthalate have been banned from use in toys and childcare products that are intended to be put in the mouth by children under the age of 3 years.
This is great news for our children in terms of phthalate exposure, but because these bans only concern products directly related to children's toys and child care products, PVC in other household products still contain these dangerous phthalates and can affect our children. Phthalates are released into the air from PVC, they are then easily inhaled and are absorbed into household dust. Because young children - especially crawling babies - spend so much time on the ground they are likely to ingest this dust. Phthalates are also ingested every time a child mouths a PVC product which contains phthalates.
Lax regulations
Among the more worrying materials for contaminate leaching is PVC (polyvinyl chloride), commonly referred to as vinyl. The chemicals leached during the PVC lifecycle include mercury, dioxins and phthalates. PVC is used in plenty of consumer products, including adhesives, detergents, lubricating oils, solvents, automotive plastics, plastic clothing, personal-care products (such as soap, shampoo, deodorants, fragrances, hair spray, nail polish), as well as children’s toys and building materials.
Organisations including the U.S.-based National Toxicology Program, the Environmental Protection Agency, the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health agree that vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) is one of 52 chemicals/compounds designated as a confirmed human carcinogen (cancer-causing chemical). As a result, advocacy groups, including Greenpeace, Children's Health and Environmental Coalition (CHEC) and the U.S.-based Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ) have called for a restriction or prohibition of PVC in consumer products including toys, building materials and packaging.
Consumer responsibility
While research surrounding materials such as vinyl chloride monomer continues, advocacy groups have called on consumers to pay attention to what's in the products they buy, and to let manufacturers and retailers know if they want more choice in terms of the composition of the products available to them.
While the number of products made of PVC can seem overwhelming, there are alternatives available to those who want them as the number of natural and non-chlorinated plastic substitutes in the market grows.
Labels and packaging
At present, labelling laws do not require manufacturers to list all toxins used in the creation of their product. However, there are easy ways to recognize a PVC-based toy or product: Look for the three-arrow "recycling" symbol with the number 3 or the initials PVC, which indicates polyvinyl chloride. If neither symbol is present, then call the manufacturer's question/comment line (usually a free 0800 number) listed on the package or label.
Another clue to look for is the use of malleable or soft plastic. This can be found in toys, but also on clothing, bed linens and packaging. Read the labels and when in doubt, opt for a different product.
For those concerned about what's in toys but unable to do extensive research on what they contain due to the holiday-buying rush, pick toy manufacturers who opt for non-PVC-based plastic. These brands include: Chicco, Evenflo, Gerber, International Playthings (including Primetime and Early Start), Lego, Sassy, Thomas and Tiny Love. According to Greenpeace's Toy Report Card, Discovery Toys and Manhattan Baby also provide an extensive selection of PVC-free toys, but some products do still contain it. Concerned companies such as VUPbaby have developed a range of non-toxic toys, feeding and child’s ‘basics’ that contain no BPAs, PVC or Phthalates. Visit www.vupbaby.co.uk to see the full range.
Another alternative is to purchase toys made from organic cotton or certified sustainable wood. Companies that specialize in these fibres include: Brio, Lamaze, Melissa & Doug, Thomas and Woodkits, to name a few.
Alternatives to PVC
While avoiding all plastics is advised by some, it is not always practical. Thankfully, not all plastics are created equal.
Look for other plastics that are considered less harmful, such as #1 PETE, #2 HDPE, #4 LDPE and #5 PP. While these plastics also leach chemicals, studies suggest that their level of toxicity is not as great as with PVC products.
About VUPbaby
VUPbaby was created out of concern about the chemicals used in everyday products for babies and the scientific studies showing the impact these have on children's health.
VUPbaby are dedicated to providing our customers with a range of carefully selected, toxic-free products from around the world. Our products are both practical and stylish. On our website you will find some ideas for gifts as well as a few Very Useful Products for mummy.
We are passionate about providing useful and practical information about our products - indicating those that are non-toxic to help you make an informed decision about your child’s health.
With us you can shop with confidence, safe in the knowledge that our baby products have been carefully vetted. We would love to hear your comments and suggestions, please visit our website; www.vupbaby.co.uk or contact us at info@vupbaby.co.uk."
Thank you VUPbaby for another very informative article. I will definitely be checking all our products which Lexi comes into contact with to check they are free from anything that could be possibly harmful. So thank you again VUPbaby. I really hope our lovely blog readers also find this useful article of interest. :)
VUP Baby Article: What is BPA and Why Should it be Avoided?
I was sent some very interesting information by Vupbaby which they have asked me to share to get word out about the dangers of BPAs. Please have a read as even though I have heard lots about BPAs, I really hadn't realised just what harm these could do to Lexi!
I really hope this information has come in useful and been informative. I personally want to thank VUPbaby for sending me this information to share with you all as I am now much more informed and can now ensure that all my choices regarding products for Lexi can be made with the utmost of care!
"What is BPA and why should it be avoided?
Bisphenol A is an industrial chemical used to make polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins. BPA is used to make lightweight, high-performance plastics that are tough and heat resistant. Immediately you can see the benefit to companies in choosing to use this ingredient for things such as bottles, cups, and formula cans. This chemical has the ability to mimic hormones and several studies have linked BPA to:
o weight gain
o abnormalities that can lead to breast and prostate cancer
o brain damage
o abnormal organ development
o hyperactivity.
The companies using BPA have declared their products only contain amounts considered safe but this does not address cumulative exposure from all the various products we use that contain BPA. When you consider all of the different products you may use in your home that contain this chemical the exposure level does not appear to be so safe or small. In fact the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has declared that “human BPA exposures are above the current U.S. safety limit.”
A recent U.S study by the Penn State College of Medicine found that six-month-old babies exposed before birth to high levels of the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) are twice as likely to experience wheezing - a common symptom of asthma and other respiratory problems.
Elizabeth Salter-Green, director of the Chemicals, Health and Environment Monitoring Trust, said: ‘This new research adds further weight to the need to reduce our exposure to this chemical, particularly pregnant women. It is the foetus developing in utero that is most vulnerable to BPA exposure.’
Babies cannot tell us what they want or need, parents have to make these decisions on their behalf. More and more parents are making their feelings clear – that they will no longer expose their children to harmful chemicals when healthier options are available. VUPbaby are a leading provider of 100% PVC, BPA and Phthalate free baby and child products. Visit www.vupbaby.co.uk today to see the full range of non-toxic alternatives available to you.
About VUPbaby
VUPbaby was created out of concern about the chemicals used in everyday products for babies and the scientific studies showing the impact these have on children's health.
VUPbaby are dedicated to providing our customers with a range of carefully selected, toxic-free products from around the world. Our products are both practical and stylish. On our website you will find some ideas for gifts as well as a few Very Useful Products for mummy.
We are passionate about providing useful and practical information about our products - indicating those that are non-toxic to help you make an informed decision about your child’s health.
With us you can shop with confidence, safe in the knowledge that our baby products have been carefully vetted. We would love to hear your comments and suggestions, please visit our website; www.vupbaby.co.uk or contact us at info@vupbaby.co.uk."
I really hope this information has come in useful and been informative. I personally want to thank VUPbaby for sending me this information to share with you all as I am now much more informed and can now ensure that all my choices regarding products for Lexi can be made with the utmost of care!
What I Dream Of Owning The Most....
I have been tagged by My Mummys Pennies to share what I dream of owning the most and here it is...
Not a field..... The land.
My reasoning; If we owned our own piece of land in Cornwall by the sea, not far from where we live or even near where I grew up then I'd be very, very happy as I could make lots of dreams come true - mainly mine though!
We could build a lovely big modern house with panoramic views of the sea and countryside with plenty of space for lots of animals and they could roam free and happy and most importantly safely, we could start an animal sanctuary to care for animals that nobody else is able to, we could be safe in the knowledge that Lexi will grow up surrounded by fresh air and the sea breeze and have plenty of room for her to play and run and be free. I might even be able to convince my Husband that a brother or sister for Lexi would be a good idea as we'd have the space for another and then Lexi and her sibling could have so many adventures in our own piece of paradise!
Most importantly to me, it means that I could make my ultimate dream come true in that I could build another house near ours on the land where my Mum could live with all her dogs, cats and other waifs and strays that she brings in so that she was back home. She currently lives in Northern Cyprus and I miss her terribly and would love to be able to have the space and money to bring her and her dogs back to live here in Cornwall so that Lexi could benefit even more from her love, wisdom and most of all friendship. Mum loves Cyprus so the second feat would be convincing her to come back.... But a lovely house with plenty of land for her animals would certainly be a huge sweetener! :)
So there we have it; I have never voiced this dream to anybody before as it really is just that - a dream. But who knows, one day........... Best buy myself a lottery ticket as prime land like that in Cornwall doesn't come cheap!!
I'm tagging Charlie Monsters Funhouse, The Family Express and The Hart of the Munchkin Patch to share what they dream of owning the most and link back to The Wonderful Adventures of Spud & Spike.!
Monday, 22 August 2011
Robeez : Soft Sole Shoes
Lexi is quite severely in-toed meaning that she is 'pigeon-toed' and her feet point inwards slightly. After many visits to various Orthopaedic Physiotherapists we were told that, with a little help using gentle exercises and the correct footwear, her problem will correct itself in the next couple of years. By "correct footwear" we were told that the best thing for Lexi is to wear very soft and light shoes that are essentially like her being barefooted.
So when Robeez asked me to review their soft soled leather shoes I was delighted as they are the perfect footwear for Lexi's condition as they are soft and light yet give Lexi more grip than being barefoot. She can wear them out in the garden and around the house to give her maximum comfort whilst still protecting her feet which is brilliant.
Robeez sent us 5 different designs from their soft sole Step 1 range to see what we thought...
All Robeez soft soled shoes are beautifully packaged in a gorgeous little carry box, which Lexi loved and was carrying around with her everywhere. It has a clear window on the front so you can see the shoes with the front opening like a door. Lexi was mesmerised opening the box after seeing the treasures contained inside!
Reversible Princess Bee Social Butterfly
Lexi absolutely loves Bees and anything that flies is called a "Bee" in her world at the moment so these reversible princess bee social butterfly shoes were her absolute favourites. They are brilliant. You can have them with the bee design on show, the butterfly on show or go quirky and have one of each! Lexi demanded they were taken from the box and put on her feet instantly with the "bee" on show so she could parade around and show everyone her beautiful new shoes!
Both designs are so cute with the bee having a bright pink background, perfect for girly girls, wearing a crown and wand with the word "Queen" above it. The butterfly has a more neutral brown background with the word "Social" above it. Lexi loved both sides but the bees were definitely her hands down favourites! These reversible Princess Bee Social Butterfly shoes are available to buy online for £22.00 directly from Robeez here.
Scooter Doggie - Navy
Lexi loves all animals so these scooter doggie shoes were great. She was giggling with delight when I asked if she wanted to wear them and kept kneeling down to point at them and smile whilst saying "doggie". The really cute, brightly coloured, bold design is fantastic for children as it's something a little different from the norm and encourages them to put on and keep on their shoes for outside play. With doggie's ears flying back in the wind and her bright pink scooter and helmet on, children and adults alike can't help but love these shoes! We had many comments from fellow parents when we went to the park asking where we got the shoes from which was nice too as I could brag about this fantastic website I knew about where they had hundreds of fabulous designs... Robeez of course! The Scooter Doggie - Navy shoes retail for £19.99 to £22 depending on size and can be bought direct from Robeez here.
Peek a Roo Dog House - Blue
Strictly speaking these are in the boys section of the website but with Lexi's love of animals, these were one of our top choices as they are a really cute design and even though they are blue, they don't look too masculine so Lexi definitely got away with wearing them!
What makes these shoes even more fun is that "Scruffy" the dog's kennel door opens so you can see him in full view. The door simply velcro's shut again making wearing the shoes even more fun for your little one. Lexi absolutely loved opening up the kennel door, stroking Scruffy the dog then closing it again.
Peek a Roo Dog House also retail for £22 and can be bought from Robeez's website here.
Girlie Glamour MJ
The girlie glamour soft sole shoes can only be described as gorgeous! They are real "girly" shoes in bright pink with flowers and a larger flower detailing on them with a strap across the top of the foot. They are absolutely perfect to wear with a party dress or to a wedding as they are really glamourous and eye-catching. Lexi wore them to a birthday party with a pink dress and all the other Mummies were commenting on how cute they were and how sweet Lexi looked. Lexi loved them too and kept playing with the flower. A real must buy for any occasion for any age little princess!
Robeez Girlie Glamour MJ soft sole shoes retail for just £19.99 and are available to buy online here.
Interchangeable In the Garden - Pastel Pink
These were another of Lexi's favourites of the five pairs we were sent. Firstly because they have a garden theme and she loves gardening but mainly because they have interchangeable add-ons which is brilliant! Depending on her mood she can have the watering can, flower or butterfly or even mix them up for some variety. Lexi loved being able to customise them herself.
It's so simple to custom them too; simply pull back the velcro strap, slip off the motif and slip on the new one and hey presto - a completely different looking pair of shoes to suit mood, outfit choice or simply just for fun!
All three designs are so cute too in their pretty pastel colours. Lexi loved customising the shoes herself to make them look funky and even carried the other motifs around in the shoe box so that they were handy whenever she decided that she wanted a change!
Robeez's Range of Soft Sole Shoes
Robeez soft sole shoes are suitable from birth to age 6 as they are so soft that they allow tiny baby toes to grip and gain muscle and yet support development of older feet whilst allowing them to breath and grow as they need to. Many of their designs are available in all sizes although some are only currently available for age 0-24 months. As Lexi has quite small feet for her age she only needed the age 18-24 months even though she is already 2 as she is a size 5.5 and the age 18-24 are suitable right up to size 7. The shoes are so hard wearing that they will easily see her through to a size 7! They feature a suede non-slip outsole, are washable and have elasticated easy-on backs so they slip on piece of cake!
I think the price is very reasonable too as I have paid a LOT more than £22 for shoes for Lexi which she just used for outdoor play and inside the house and they weren't anywhere near as good quality nor had all the benefits, designs or ease of use that Robeez Soft Sole Shoes do! There are also always lots of bargains to be had on the Robeez website in their sale section here so why not pop over and take a look at their very extensive range of shoes for both boys and girls on their website or why not pop over and say hi on their Facebook page!
All five of the pairs of soft sole shoes we were sent by Robeez were gorgeous looking, beautifully crafted, fun and funky and most importantly of all were beneficial to Lexi's development meaning Mummy and Daddy are very happy aswell. I can't wait to take a start choosing more designs to buy which I am sure will also be massively Loved By Lexi!
So when Robeez asked me to review their soft soled leather shoes I was delighted as they are the perfect footwear for Lexi's condition as they are soft and light yet give Lexi more grip than being barefoot. She can wear them out in the garden and around the house to give her maximum comfort whilst still protecting her feet which is brilliant.
Robeez sent us 5 different designs from their soft sole Step 1 range to see what we thought...
All Robeez soft soled shoes are beautifully packaged in a gorgeous little carry box, which Lexi loved and was carrying around with her everywhere. It has a clear window on the front so you can see the shoes with the front opening like a door. Lexi was mesmerised opening the box after seeing the treasures contained inside!
Reversible Princess Bee Social Butterfly
Lexi absolutely loves Bees and anything that flies is called a "Bee" in her world at the moment so these reversible princess bee social butterfly shoes were her absolute favourites. They are brilliant. You can have them with the bee design on show, the butterfly on show or go quirky and have one of each! Lexi demanded they were taken from the box and put on her feet instantly with the "bee" on show so she could parade around and show everyone her beautiful new shoes!
Both designs are so cute with the bee having a bright pink background, perfect for girly girls, wearing a crown and wand with the word "Queen" above it. The butterfly has a more neutral brown background with the word "Social" above it. Lexi loved both sides but the bees were definitely her hands down favourites! These reversible Princess Bee Social Butterfly shoes are available to buy online for £22.00 directly from Robeez here.
Scooter Doggie - Navy
Lexi loves all animals so these scooter doggie shoes were great. She was giggling with delight when I asked if she wanted to wear them and kept kneeling down to point at them and smile whilst saying "doggie". The really cute, brightly coloured, bold design is fantastic for children as it's something a little different from the norm and encourages them to put on and keep on their shoes for outside play. With doggie's ears flying back in the wind and her bright pink scooter and helmet on, children and adults alike can't help but love these shoes! We had many comments from fellow parents when we went to the park asking where we got the shoes from which was nice too as I could brag about this fantastic website I knew about where they had hundreds of fabulous designs... Robeez of course! The Scooter Doggie - Navy shoes retail for £19.99 to £22 depending on size and can be bought direct from Robeez here.
Peek a Roo Dog House - Blue
Strictly speaking these are in the boys section of the website but with Lexi's love of animals, these were one of our top choices as they are a really cute design and even though they are blue, they don't look too masculine so Lexi definitely got away with wearing them!
What makes these shoes even more fun is that "Scruffy" the dog's kennel door opens so you can see him in full view. The door simply velcro's shut again making wearing the shoes even more fun for your little one. Lexi absolutely loved opening up the kennel door, stroking Scruffy the dog then closing it again.
Peek a Roo Dog House also retail for £22 and can be bought from Robeez's website here.
Girlie Glamour MJ
The girlie glamour soft sole shoes can only be described as gorgeous! They are real "girly" shoes in bright pink with flowers and a larger flower detailing on them with a strap across the top of the foot. They are absolutely perfect to wear with a party dress or to a wedding as they are really glamourous and eye-catching. Lexi wore them to a birthday party with a pink dress and all the other Mummies were commenting on how cute they were and how sweet Lexi looked. Lexi loved them too and kept playing with the flower. A real must buy for any occasion for any age little princess!
Robeez Girlie Glamour MJ soft sole shoes retail for just £19.99 and are available to buy online here.
Interchangeable In the Garden - Pastel Pink
These were another of Lexi's favourites of the five pairs we were sent. Firstly because they have a garden theme and she loves gardening but mainly because they have interchangeable add-ons which is brilliant! Depending on her mood she can have the watering can, flower or butterfly or even mix them up for some variety. Lexi loved being able to customise them herself.
It's so simple to custom them too; simply pull back the velcro strap, slip off the motif and slip on the new one and hey presto - a completely different looking pair of shoes to suit mood, outfit choice or simply just for fun!
All three designs are so cute too in their pretty pastel colours. Lexi loved customising the shoes herself to make them look funky and even carried the other motifs around in the shoe box so that they were handy whenever she decided that she wanted a change!
Robeez's Range of Soft Sole Shoes
Robeez soft sole shoes are suitable from birth to age 6 as they are so soft that they allow tiny baby toes to grip and gain muscle and yet support development of older feet whilst allowing them to breath and grow as they need to. Many of their designs are available in all sizes although some are only currently available for age 0-24 months. As Lexi has quite small feet for her age she only needed the age 18-24 months even though she is already 2 as she is a size 5.5 and the age 18-24 are suitable right up to size 7. The shoes are so hard wearing that they will easily see her through to a size 7! They feature a suede non-slip outsole, are washable and have elasticated easy-on backs so they slip on piece of cake!
I think the price is very reasonable too as I have paid a LOT more than £22 for shoes for Lexi which she just used for outdoor play and inside the house and they weren't anywhere near as good quality nor had all the benefits, designs or ease of use that Robeez Soft Sole Shoes do! There are also always lots of bargains to be had on the Robeez website in their sale section here so why not pop over and take a look at their very extensive range of shoes for both boys and girls on their website or why not pop over and say hi on their Facebook page!
All five of the pairs of soft sole shoes we were sent by Robeez were gorgeous looking, beautifully crafted, fun and funky and most importantly of all were beneficial to Lexi's development meaning Mummy and Daddy are very happy aswell. I can't wait to take a start choosing more designs to buy which I am sure will also be massively Loved By Lexi!
VUP Baby: Janod Confetti Piano
Lexi loves music; it's in her blood as Mummy is a singer and plays the flute whilst Uncle Jack (Mummy's brother) plays electric guitar fantastically. There is always music in our household whether the radio, Mummy singing, Lexi dancing or an instrument of some description being strummed or played.
So when VUP Baby sent us the Janod Confetti Piano to review, they couldn't have picked a more perfect "toy" for Lexi especially as it was delivered on her 2nd birthday so she was ecstatic...
VUP Baby make non-toxic baby products which are free from BPAs, PVC and phthalates making their drinking, feeding, essentials and toys for babies through to pre-schoolers healthier for our little ones. If the Janod Confetti Piano is anything to go by, their products are amazing too!
Their service was fantastic and the piano was boxed perfectly so there was no damage in transit which is always a bonus with our couriers and post people!!
Lexi was in sheer delight when the Janod Confetti Piano arrived; she couldn't even wait for Mummy to open the box as she was too excited. She was ripping the plastic off and trying to open the box the second she laid eyes on it and had a huge smile on her face of anticipation.
The Piano is 27cm high and suitable from 18 months old. Made of wood and painted white with brightly coloured, eye catching spots above the keys it was an instant hit with Lexi!
The Janod Confetti Piano is very well made. The wood is solid so isn't likely to be broken by a boisterous toddler - believe me Lexi sure gave it a bashing and it hasn't got a mark on it! It looks gorgeous too, Lexi looked like a miniature pianist sitting on the floor tinkling away and was enthralled for hours!
What I was amazed at and think it brilliant for something so small and aimed at children is that the piano is a proper hammer piano so makes the beautiful wooden noise that is so distinctive and melodic as oppose to being a tinny sounding keyboard type piano. The fact that it is a hammer piano is both lovely to listen to and also means that Lexi will, without realising, be learning the sound and feel or a proper full-sized piano so that when she is older, perhaps she can continue to learn. An added bonus to the Janod Confetti Piano being a hammer piano is that the sound of your little one bashing away on the keys for hours on end doesn't become tedious as no matter what notes they play, in what order or how loudly they play; the piano still sounds beautiful!
The Janod Confetti Piano is available to buy online from VUP Baby here and retails for £54.95. This may sound like a lot of money but factor in that an electronic toy of any description would be this price or more aswell as the fact that this Janod Confetti Piano is just as well made and beautifully crafted as a full-size hammer piano which would retail for hundreds or thousands of pounds, I think this is a wonderful price for something which provides hour after hour of wholesome fun for children of all ages over 18 months and which will last for many, many years to come.
I am amazed at the quality of this piano and how long it has kept not only Lexi but her friend Louis who is 5, Uncle Jack who is 22, Mummy who is 25 and Daddy who is 35 amused and how much fun we all had playing it, encouraging Lexi to clap and sing along to it, dance to it and have hours of family fun together with it. This piano will remain a firm favourite in this household for many, many years and we will definitely be encouraging Lexi to continue to learn and develop her pianist skills, even from such a young age, as I firmly believe that music is food for your soul and Lexi will benefit enormously from having such a fantastic toy.
VUP Baby sell lots and lots of fantastic products including other Janod Confetti musical instrument toys including xylophones, guitars, rainstick, musical set, drums, musical table, tambourine, maracas and lots more; all of which look amazing.
I will definitely be building Lexi's collection of Janod Confetti musical toys from VUP Baby and if you'd like to take a look at the Janod Confetti toys or any other products available from VUP Baby then pop over to their website here or their Facebook page here.
The Janod Confetti Piano was enjoyed by all of the family but was most especially enormously Loved By Lexi!
So when VUP Baby sent us the Janod Confetti Piano to review, they couldn't have picked a more perfect "toy" for Lexi especially as it was delivered on her 2nd birthday so she was ecstatic...
VUP Baby make non-toxic baby products which are free from BPAs, PVC and phthalates making their drinking, feeding, essentials and toys for babies through to pre-schoolers healthier for our little ones. If the Janod Confetti Piano is anything to go by, their products are amazing too!
Their service was fantastic and the piano was boxed perfectly so there was no damage in transit which is always a bonus with our couriers and post people!!
Lexi was in sheer delight when the Janod Confetti Piano arrived; she couldn't even wait for Mummy to open the box as she was too excited. She was ripping the plastic off and trying to open the box the second she laid eyes on it and had a huge smile on her face of anticipation.
The Piano is 27cm high and suitable from 18 months old. Made of wood and painted white with brightly coloured, eye catching spots above the keys it was an instant hit with Lexi!
The Janod Confetti Piano is very well made. The wood is solid so isn't likely to be broken by a boisterous toddler - believe me Lexi sure gave it a bashing and it hasn't got a mark on it! It looks gorgeous too, Lexi looked like a miniature pianist sitting on the floor tinkling away and was enthralled for hours!
What I was amazed at and think it brilliant for something so small and aimed at children is that the piano is a proper hammer piano so makes the beautiful wooden noise that is so distinctive and melodic as oppose to being a tinny sounding keyboard type piano. The fact that it is a hammer piano is both lovely to listen to and also means that Lexi will, without realising, be learning the sound and feel or a proper full-sized piano so that when she is older, perhaps she can continue to learn. An added bonus to the Janod Confetti Piano being a hammer piano is that the sound of your little one bashing away on the keys for hours on end doesn't become tedious as no matter what notes they play, in what order or how loudly they play; the piano still sounds beautiful!
The Janod Confetti Piano is available to buy online from VUP Baby here and retails for £54.95. This may sound like a lot of money but factor in that an electronic toy of any description would be this price or more aswell as the fact that this Janod Confetti Piano is just as well made and beautifully crafted as a full-size hammer piano which would retail for hundreds or thousands of pounds, I think this is a wonderful price for something which provides hour after hour of wholesome fun for children of all ages over 18 months and which will last for many, many years to come.
I am amazed at the quality of this piano and how long it has kept not only Lexi but her friend Louis who is 5, Uncle Jack who is 22, Mummy who is 25 and Daddy who is 35 amused and how much fun we all had playing it, encouraging Lexi to clap and sing along to it, dance to it and have hours of family fun together with it. This piano will remain a firm favourite in this household for many, many years and we will definitely be encouraging Lexi to continue to learn and develop her pianist skills, even from such a young age, as I firmly believe that music is food for your soul and Lexi will benefit enormously from having such a fantastic toy.
VUP Baby sell lots and lots of fantastic products including other Janod Confetti musical instrument toys including xylophones, guitars, rainstick, musical set, drums, musical table, tambourine, maracas and lots more; all of which look amazing.
I will definitely be building Lexi's collection of Janod Confetti musical toys from VUP Baby and if you'd like to take a look at the Janod Confetti toys or any other products available from VUP Baby then pop over to their website here or their Facebook page here.
The Janod Confetti Piano was enjoyed by all of the family but was most especially enormously Loved By Lexi!